Tea Leaf

Tea plant is a shrub with abundant folliage, camellialike flowers, and barriers containing one to three seeds. The tea leaf is convert into a many kind of baverage and some of this tea is converted into oil by using of extraction process.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Tea Story

Tea come to West

The tea history have came the world in many ways. Tea come to Europe through Dutch and Portuguese sailors at the beginning of the 17th century. As usual China as the trader asks for tea order to the Dutch and Portuguese sailor. The actual trader is Chinese people, while Dutch and Portuguese people just the forwarder because they are brave peoples or adventurous. The beverage's initial high price prevented it from circulating among the western population at large.

Tea commodity just the main commodity to connect between east and west. In China tea leaves were use as substitute for coins, while in Europe tea was used as a symbol of high status and as a stimulus for many technology developments.

Tea come to America

After the above trading, then tea trading spread broader at the beginning of the 18th century, tea arrived in Northern America, quickly becoming a desirable drink there as well. Many kind of party and tea style build like in New York and Boston, London-style teahouses started developing, where the drink was sold to the general public. At around that time, the British Empire decided to place taxes on the tea supply to the colonies of North America who were under their power.

Tea In The 20th Century

The tea technology then developed in 20th century to make more easy to consume, people then created tea in a bag and easily to brew. The inventor of tea bags, a New York tea merchant by the name of Thomas Sullivan, had a custom of sending tea samples in white silk bags to his customers, and they were intrigued by this new ground-breaking product.

After this technology ear, then we can easily to get tea on the market, upon the appearance of tea bags, the price of tea was lowered. The possibility of drinking tea without special brewing utensils made tea suitable for mass consumption, turning it into the world's most prevalent hot beverage.

The spreading of tea consume, because of many reason:

The rise in popularity of the back-to-nature trend and an aspiration to lead a healthy, simple life. Tea, as a natural drink with evident health benefits, fits in perfectly with this lifestyle.. A massive immigration of Asians to the west. The Asian immigrants disseminated their strongly based the tea cultures in the western countries. Western travelers in the east, who brought with them tidings of tea upon their return.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Organic Tea

Organic tea is a natural tea that is not contaminated by other chemicals like pesticide or other preservative chemicals to make the tea can pretend for long time. Organic tea is not just to omit the taste but like general people think about organic tea that just a tasteless of food tea. Organic tea is produced by green production process, and nothing to do along with flavor. Organic tea is cultivated by sustainable as well as natural farming practices.

The production method is avoid of using chemical to process or pesticide and insecticide on cultivating tea as raw material. Organic tea brewed with hot water only, of the original tea leaves and do not use the other mixture.

So the benefit of using organic tea that it is unpolluted. Organic tea satisfies folks having superior taste. It assures purity and high quality. Other scientific reason of using organic tea is because content of higher concentration of polyphenols and catechins. Then known that these organic chemical have good effect to our body.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tea Leaf for Fertilizer

Tea leaf have a smooth texture so that good for fertilizer in flower vase. Tea leaf waste is good for our flower fertilizer because easy to decompose become other substance and have many chemicals still left in the leaf waste. Better mixed a little with soil before use as fertilizer in your flower vase.

I always treat like this to the waste of tea leaf. We usually use tea leaf directly to made a tea drink, not use instant tea or tea bag. You can use tea bag also for fertilizer but you must open the bag before mix with soil. Tea bag have smaller form and may but not better quality than tea leaf quality.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tea Just Live in Tropical Climate

If we observe the tea producer is just come from tropical climate and just small sub-tropical country can cultivate tea. In sub-tropical with four season tea may can grow but when this country change their weather from one season to other season can problem on their tea plantation. Tea may can be planted in summer season but after through cold season, all the plantation will die, so this why tea is not planted in sub-tropical country with four seasons.

Tea cultivation in tropical country just in cold weather but with enough sun light. Tea plant need cold temperature about 18 oC to 23 oC but can't grow when the weather below that temperature like in Europe that can reach about 7 oC even reach below 0 oC. This condition make problem on tea cultivation needed.

You can find tea field in Asian country like in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam but just can have good growing in cold weather area or this area have high level from sea, says about 700 m or more from sea level.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Brewing Tea Formula

Everyone have their own formula and their own delicious taste of brewing tea, because it easily to make it. No need to worry you can try by your self the fomula, and don't forget you should remember the measurement of your tea, water and sugar or other ingredient you add on your brewing tea. We just have the guideline to compare each other if you want make tea from different kind of tea leaves.

For 12 Oz PotQuantity Temperature Time
Green Tea1 - 1 1/2 tbsp (3 gr) 180 - 200 oF1 - 2 mins
White Tea2 tbsp (3 gr) 180 - 200 oF1 - 3 mins
Scented Tea1/2 tbsp (3 gr) 200 oF1 - 2 mins
Ooling Tea1/2 - 2 tbsp (4 gr) 212 oF1 - 2 mins
Black Tea1/2 - 2 tbsp (4 gr) 212 oF1 - 2 mins
Puer Tea1 - 2 tbsp (4 gr) 212 oF1 - 2 mins

Basic Steps for brewing loose tea: