Tea Leaf

Tea plant is a shrub with abundant folliage, camellialike flowers, and barriers containing one to three seeds. The tea leaf is convert into a many kind of baverage and some of this tea is converted into oil by using of extraction process.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Brewing Tea Formula

Everyone have their own formula and their own delicious taste of brewing tea, because it easily to make it. No need to worry you can try by your self the fomula, and don't forget you should remember the measurement of your tea, water and sugar or other ingredient you add on your brewing tea. We just have the guideline to compare each other if you want make tea from different kind of tea leaves.

For 12 Oz PotQuantity Temperature Time
Green Tea1 - 1 1/2 tbsp (3 gr) 180 - 200 oF1 - 2 mins
White Tea2 tbsp (3 gr) 180 - 200 oF1 - 3 mins
Scented Tea1/2 tbsp (3 gr) 200 oF1 - 2 mins
Ooling Tea1/2 - 2 tbsp (4 gr) 212 oF1 - 2 mins
Black Tea1/2 - 2 tbsp (4 gr) 212 oF1 - 2 mins
Puer Tea1 - 2 tbsp (4 gr) 212 oF1 - 2 mins

Basic Steps for brewing loose tea: