Tea Leaf

Tea plant is a shrub with abundant folliage, camellialike flowers, and barriers containing one to three seeds. The tea leaf is convert into a many kind of baverage and some of this tea is converted into oil by using of extraction process.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chinese Restaurant Tea Menu

Tea menu in Chinese restaurant available in many kind of tea, but all of tea contain of high caffeine and Theanine, even tea contain more caffeine than coffee. But people never eat tea, either than coffee people eat coffee, people just eat extracted tea on the water so the caffeine contain on extracted tea or tea drink smaller than coffee drink.

If we drink tea, better we have breakfast, because tea have little base and our stomach is acid. The reaction of acidic on our stomach and base of tea can make bad reaction.

In Chinese restaurant can ask for white tea and usually mixed with a small portion of black tea to get good taste of tea.

Other tea menu is green tea, green tea is very expensive because the production process, green tea need time about 6 months after harvesting. The price of green tea about 5.48 million rupiah per kg green tea. The special tea is Pu Erh tea, this tea very special because can be use as detergent, the waste of this tea can be used to wash cloths. Pu erh tea is produce in Yunan province, Chine. Pu erh tea is the result of fermentation tea, the tea leaf undergo a microbial fermentation process after they are dried and rolled.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bubble Tea

If you are come from Indonesia may just familiar with tea milk, this is have usual to drink tea mixed with milk. Bubble tea is popular in America and this is Americanized name for pearl milk tea and other similar tea and juice beverages. Bubble tea was originated in tea shop like in Taichung city, Taiwan during 1980s.

Bubble tea recipe may vary depend on the tea shop and the price of bubble tea, but mostly bubble teas contain of tea as base mixed with fruit or fruit syrup and add by milk. Some time the recipe blend with ice similar to slushies, are also available, usually fruit flavors.

One of the famous mixed bubble tea is “pearl milk tea” this recipe also called as “boba milk tea”, which contain of small chewy balls made of tapioca starch, called “Pearls” in Chinese called as “Fenyuan” or “Boba.” If you go to some countries like Australia, Canada, Chinatowns throughout United States, you can find this beverage. The tea use to mixed in bubble tea can vary but mostly use green tea as the base of this recipe. The milk use to make bubble tea include powdered dairy milk or non dairy creamers, but can also made from fresh milk as alternative.