Tea Leaf

Tea plant is a shrub with abundant folliage, camellialike flowers, and barriers containing one to three seeds. The tea leaf is convert into a many kind of baverage and some of this tea is converted into oil by using of extraction process.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rosella Tea

Do you ever consume this tea Rosella Red Flower? Maybe some people do not know do not even know at all if a red tea from Rosella Flowers has many properties contained in the flowers.

Many benefit offer by Rosella flowers tea include the following:
  • Neutralize toxins
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics
  • Inhibiting the growth of cancer maintain stamina
  • Lowering cholesterol in the blood
  • Balancing weight
  • Reduce heat and hard CHAPTER
  • Lowering the level of clumping of fat in the liver
  • Reduce headache / migraine
  • Containing multivitamins, including C vitamin and Beta carotene
  • Help recover from drug addiction
How to make Rosella Tea?
Creating a simple drink, stay brewing 5-7 petals with hot water, wait 5 minutes, ready to drink. Taste of these drinks like tamarind. If that had stomach ulcers should be careful and add the water content. If you want to add sugar, but for a better health use mixed with honey as a sweetener alone.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tea Milk of Hongkong

Milk tea from Hongkong have their own class style, this milk tea is different from other milk tea from other country. Tea milk from Hongkong also called as pantyhose milk tea or silk stocking milk tea. It named like that because this tea is strained by a long cloth sieve that resembles a women’s stockings. The production process of this tea milk may differ from each cafe, one cafe explains how he uses a blend of six type of tea leaves and boils and strains the tea eight times. Finally they evaporate milk and a heaping spoonful of sugar mixed in to create the final cup of pure caffeinated bliss.

Special tea for summer time, there’s iced milk tea, best beverage on a lazy afternoon with a newspaper and pineapple bun. Some cha chaan tengs (Cantonese cafe/diner), acknowledging that melted ice can dilute the tea too much, have devised some quirky ways to keep the drink cold without flavor loss.

If the tea alone doesn’t give you enough jolt, there is the yanyang or yinyeung in Cantonese, a half milk tea and half coffee blend, usually served hot. Most places usually use instant coffee to include on the mixture.

And also available in foods to go with milk tea, there’s instant noodles with canned luncheon meat. It is not just content in meat food, coffee and tea also sometime mixed in macaroni with Spam, which will appeal to anyone who grew up in Hawaii or a former British or US colony. And the type that we may have familiar coffee and tea also content in tart bread.
