Drink Green Tea Before Sport
Green tea known have many benefit for health and for beauty. These are several benefit of green tea if consume regularly:
- Avoid Heart Attack; Green tea contain strong antioxidant have been proved can reduce of lung cancer attack, prostate cancer, skin cancer and heart attack. Green tea can give extra power when consume with lemon orange. The flavonoid contains in green tea can against hepatitis C virus.
- Make Drop of cholesterol and blood pressure; 3 cup of green tea in a day can give enough antioxidant needed by our body to lessen the blood pressure and cholesterol.
- Make Body Weight Drop; consume a cup of green tea before doing sport have proven can make body weight drop faster and fat burning. From the result caffeine can release fat acid so that you can burn fat easily. Antioxidant on the tea help your body to burn more calorie.
- Eliminating Energy; a study in Japan found that green tea EGCG containing will make the body free from allergic reaction to dust, animal dander and to protein.