Tea Leaf

Tea plant is a shrub with abundant folliage, camellialike flowers, and barriers containing one to three seeds. The tea leaf is convert into a many kind of baverage and some of this tea is converted into oil by using of extraction process.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How To Produce Tea Oil

To produce tea oil leaf need of several preparation include of tea leaf and equipment as follows:
  • Steam Distiller
  • Fresh tea tree leaves
  • Eye dropper
  • Glass bottle
To prepare the distillation, fill the retort with the suggested amount of plant material. Use only the leaves of the tea tree since that is where the active plant alkaloids are found. The overall process of this is extration process. Oil will extract from leaves, it also can be produced from tea flower. After extraction process to produce pure oil can be follow by distillation process.

Pour the recommended amount of water into the steam chamber and start the steamer. Steam will rise through the retort and release the volative oils in the tea tree leaves. The steam and the oils then will travel through the condenser where the steam cools and turn to water once again. The water and oil will drip into the separator. The length of this process depends on the size of your steam distillation system and how much water your steamer holds.

Allow the fluid in the separator to cool to the touch. Most of the cooling happens in the condenser but you should still exercise coution when working with hot liquids. Use an eye dropper to cerefully remove the top layer of essential oil from the hydrolat (the cooler water).

Store your tea tree essential oil in a small glass bottle with a tight fitting, eye drop closure. Keep in it a dark, cool place. Properly strored essential oils have a nearly infinite shelf life.
